Information of drug for patients

Explanation of words (this part was omit to translate)


Generic names


Drug group names


Brand name

Explanation of symbols


Indicates one of the 312 drugs (at December 1999) included in "the eleventh model list of essential drugs" issued by WHO (world Health Organization) (translated by Hama and Beppu, Sanseido 2000). Most of medical practices except rare diseases) could be done by these drugs even in Japan. The drugs included in the list was expressed as w ›. If the drug were approved in UK, US, Canada, Australia, expressed as UK,US, CA, AU○.
Classification of NPOJIP: classified by NPOJIP originally.


Absolutely necessary for many patients and no other drug is available as alternatives.
As it is a drug, misuse may cause adverse effects, but it may be relatively safe so far as it is used properly. Caution is necessary to avoid adverse reactions.


Absolutely necessary for many patients.
 Although other drugs are available as alternatives, this is the choice among the same class of drugs. As proper use of the drug could induce adverse reactions, it should be used considering the risk/benefit ratio always. It is inevitable for you to use it after knowing the information of adverse effects.


Absolutely necessary for medical practices, but special caution is necessary as it induce adverse reactions frequently as it is used improperly frequently and even if it is used properly.
 You should use this drug after you are very familiar with adverse effects of this drug. K means "KIKEN" (danger in Japanese) or sometimes means "KILL".


Necessary for many patients.
Many drugs are available as alternatives and this is not the first choice among the same class of drugs. As proper use of the drug could induce adverse reactions, it should be used considering the risk/benefit ratio always. It is inevitable for you to use it after knowing the information of adverse effects, especially you have another diseases and you are using other drugs.


Restricted use
It is necessary occasionally but for very restricted patients.
An abbreviation "K" may be added to B or C. The drug ranked in BK or CK may induce serious adverse reactions by proper use of the drug. It should be used especially cautiously considering the real risk/benefit ratio always.


Do not use it until more information available.
New drugs and there is no proper evidence of long-term efficacy and safety.
 So it is recommended not to use it until more evidence of true efficacy and safety would be available.


Do not use.
 Other drug is available for alternatives. It is not necessary.


Never use it!!
 Not only lacking evidence of efficacy especially for long term use but also there are substantial evidence indicating definite or almost definite bad effects and thus it should never be used

Price of drugs and the market

 This is one of the important things that we want the readers to notice. Please know the price of the drug you are taking first. You may not so hard to pay, as you have to pay only 20 to 30 percent of the price. By how do you feel if the drug does not work anything and if it does harm you?
 Individual cost may seem not so large, but the total amount wasted in Japan may be vast. The whole costs will reflect your insurance cost.
 Recently among 35 so called "brain stimulants", most were withdrawn from the market. The amount of the costs paid for the "brain stimulants" were over ten billion US dollars in ten years.
The amount of the costs paid for the useless chemicals is estimated as thirty to forty billion US dollars every year. It is four to six hundred US dollars per one working person.


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